Landscaper's Materials: Felt Water Saver
Landscaper's Materials
18620 - felt water saver
18620 - felt water saver roll
18620 - felt water saver (in pot)
18620 - felt water saver (in pot with flowers)

Felt Water Saver

CATEGORY: Landscaper's Materials Array
• Saves water
• Suits all pot shapes and sizes
• Can be cut to desired length and shape
• Available in 1.5m roll
• Available at selected Bunnings stores only. Please check with your local store.

FELT water saver

Whites Felt Water Saver slowly releases stored water over time as your plants require. Simply place along the base and sides of pots or window boxes to absorb and save water.

Easy to use - just trim to the desired length and shape.

Availabel in 1.5m rolls and is suitable for all pot shapes and sizes.

18620 - Felt Water Saver - size illustration

Code Product Description Width MOQ Barcode
18620 Felt Water Saver - 1.5m 90mm Bunnings Promo only 9312261186203

Not all products available in all areas of Australia.

Handy Hints

Get control of unwanted soil, dust and debris on your worksite. Sediment control is a must for most councils. 

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