Garden Posts: Stake Driver
Garden Posts
12204 - stake driver

Stake Driver

CATEGORY: Garden Posts Array
• Drives with precision
• Strong steel construction
• Fits neatly over timber stakes or fence posts
• Strong steel handle with soft rubber grip
• Saves your fingers

For Stakes and posts

A fast, safe and easy to use timber stake or fence post driver. Simply place over the top of your timber stake or fence post and strike with a hammer or mallet for a smooth and controlled drive.

This nifty device will save both your thumbs and the tops of your stakes or posts from wayward strikes!

CodeProduct DescriptionMOQBarcode
12204Stake Driver69312261122041

Not all products available in all areas of Australia.

Handy Hints

New galvanised wire mesh used in aviaries and pet cages should be treated to remove excess zinc that could possibly harm the pets.

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